for a more equitable world

Together we make a difference


the rights


i pregiudizi

the rights


Local activities

We carry out events, meetings, awareness campaigns, workshops and more in the city of Rome in collaboration with associations, collectives, institutions and related activistə.

Follow us on social to not miss any!


In 2022 we promoted the first fabulous edition of SanLo Pride Week, in the Roman neighborhood of San Lorenzo.

A week of events and initiatives #aqueerometrozero organized by associations, collectives and activistə to populate and flood the neighborhood streets with lgbtqia+ pride.

Discover the editions

Stay tuned


To take back our streets and fight the indifference of a gentrified Rome, in response to the sexist, racist, homolesbotransphobic violence that continues to occur.

Because safe roads are made by the people who travel them!


Cineforum, cerchi tra donne, incontri di lettura e molto altro.


Theater workshops, experiential, workshops, seminars and more.

Online activities

Ci siamo costituite durante il lockdown e le nostre prime attività sono state digitali. Sebbene ora preferiamo realizzare attività dal vivo, continuiamo a lavorare e a diffondere le nostre istanze anche sul web.


Realizziamo  campagne digitali per informare, condividere e dar voce a tutte le persone che hanno la necessità di esprimere le loro idee ed il loro dissenso.


The Legal Assistance Desk aims to offer initial guidance and clarify legal concerns related to situations and incidents of #gender violence.


We believe in the revolutionary power of culture, the sharing of knowledge as an affirmation of our differences


We make very pop gadgets to self-finance ourselves. You can help us out by purchasing them here

EU Projects

Since our establishment, we have chosen to focus on strategic partnerships for cooperation in the Erasmus+ program. This choice lies in the association's desire to co-participate in the construction of a Europe of solidarity and based on the values of democracy, pluralism, inclusion, justice and protection of rights and diversity. With this in mind, we write and participate in projects aimed at the empowerment of disadvantaged people according to the 4 horizontal priorities indicated by the Erasmus + Program 2021-2027:
For more information about the Erasmus+ Program 2021-2027 click here

Per conoscere tutte le nostre attività locali
seguici sui social


Sportello di consulenza legale

Riconosci la violenza

The increase in domestic and digital violence during the pandemic makes it necessary to find new methods of easily accessible information and assistance.

This is why we decided to activate the online legal advice desk, thanks to the support and availability of one of our staff members, who is an expert in the field.

The counter aims to offer initial guidance and clarify legal concerns related to situations and incidents of #gender violence.

Se hai domande o hai bisogno di chiarimenti legali scrivici a .

Your privacy will be protected, you can write anonymously or open a special box with a nickname.

N.B. Ours is a counseling service. To activate a structured pathway out of violence, we always recommend contacting CAVs (Anti-Violence Centers) and the emergency number #1522

Via dei Volsci 92 00185 Roma