Human Rights
The main objective of the project is to train female social workers already working in various socially disadvantaged contexts, both local and international, to provide them with new methodologies and the skills necessary to build and develop innovative projects for diversity education based on four main pillars:
- Antisexism;
- Antiracism;
- Anti-Abilism;
- Anti homolesbobitransphobia.
The proposed methodology will be based on techniques borrowed from the performing arts repurposed for human rights education for younger people, with a view to the full achievement of active citizenship.
The end result is the drafting of a guide-manual in which, starting from the four themes examined, specific workshop paths will be defined for each and interrelated with regard to multiple discrimination. This guidebook will be the result of the journey of the entire project; the information included will be the fruit of the exchange of best practices among the partners and of the local workshops that will take place in all the countries involved in the project.
Project durantion: 18 months.
Date: 01/04/22 – 01/10/23
Le Tre Ghinee (lead subject)
Association for transversal activities (Poland).
Local activities
Specifically, the workshop series organized in Italy by Le Tre Ghinee was held:
- Saturday 18/2/23
- Saturday 25/2/23
- Saturday, 04/03/23
- Saturday, 11/03/23
At the headquarters of ENGIM International Via degli Etruschi, 38, 00185 Rome. Tell me more